Featured Publications
32 Poems: “Our Once Content Father Recalls a Party He Once Hosted Before He Had a Child to Lose”
Alaska Quarterly Review: “Many Savage Things”
American Literary Review: “Noise Falling Backwards”
Best New Poets 2015: “Definitions of Body”
Cincinnati Review: “For the Armadillo, My Sympathy”
Copper Nickel: “North End, 1997”
Diode: “Two Poems”
Gettysburg Review: “Even in a Far Away Place the Work Day is Long”
The Journal: “There Are Angels In The Door Frame And They Are Us”
Hayden’s Ferry Review: “Flyover Country”
Mid-American Review: “Our Once Content Father Possesses Regret for Planting Marigolds” (Forthcoming)
New Ohio Review: “Confirmation”
Nimrod: “The Little Egypt Dive Bar Elegy”
Ninth Letter: “Potatoes and Buckshot”
North American Review: “A Good Marriage”
Notre Dame Review: “Aubade”
Passages North: “Switchgrass”
Phoebe: “We Will Call This Comfort” and “Elegy Ending with a Burnt Out Light Bulb”
The Pinch: “Hymn” (Winner of The Pinch 2016 Literary Award in Poetry)
Pleiades: “For the Possum, My Sympathy”
Quarterly West: “Constructing a Museum”
Redivider: “Daguerrotype”
River Styx: “Our Once Content Father Quit Drinking Without God”
South Dakota Review: “Genesis,” “The National Road Runs Through Central Illinois,” “Narrative in Which the Use of a Knife is Part of a Larger Problem that Never Ends,” Coming Up Empty on Devil’s Kitchen”
Sycamore Review: “Cremation”
TriQuarterly: “Scared Violent Like Horses” and “As If The Shirt Were Standing Up Straight, Hand Raised”
Willow Springs: “Elegy Ending with an Apology”
Zone 3: “Baptism” and “Sometimes I Call the Damage Healing”
On April 23rd, 2019, “Scared Violent Like Horses” was featured on Poetry Daily.